
Open innovation ‘meta-methodology’ for thesis on open innovation

26 June, 2009

Keeping current updates on this Blog will help me with the process of writing my thesis. My reasons on the chosen process (/vehicle) are the following:

  1. Wisdom of crowds: The more people that read and comment on my thesis, the better the final copy will be.
  2. As I am allowed to ask friends / colleagues / professors / acquainted experts for advice – I should be allowed to ask ‘the world’ as well.
  3. I hope to get enough returning visitors (and ‘experts’ contributing) by keeping it a ‘win-win’ situation: relevant / interesting content in return for comments / feedback.
  4. I chose for a Blog structure as I would like to inform – and get comments/feedback in return. I considered starting a Wiki, but that would allow others not only to comment – but also contribute in writing. I feel that would not be allowed – taking the fact that it is my graduation thesis.
  5. The blog structure also allows discussions between experts/contributors, not only between the author and contributors. I hope these discussions will add to everyone’s understanding of certain matters (including my own), maybe even creating new insights on subjects.
  6. I see this endeavor as a ‘meta-methodology’ for attaining feedback on my research. The ‘official’ methodology will be chosen and defined during the research.

Following illustration conceptualizes my view on the process (meta-methodology):

Thesis process: doing research, writing thesis, getting input/feedback/comments, sharing findings/progression

Meta-methodology thesis process: doing research, writing thesis, getting input/feedback/comments, sharing findings/progression

I hope you will find both the content as well as the process interesting enough to follow. I’ll keep you posted!


  1. Wisdom of crowds: The more people thatread and comment on my thesis , the betterthe finalpiece/copy/draft will be

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