Archive for the ‘blog’ Category


Scanning Your Business Model’s Environment

27 July, 2009

Ripped from

Business models are designed and operated in a specific environment. Developing a good understanding of this environment helps you conceive better, more informed and likely more competitive business models. Read the rest of this entry ?


From collaboration to open innovation: key steps for success

23 July, 2009

Innovation Collaboration (ripped from source)

How Leading Firms Use Open Innovation

Many CEOs see collaboration as key to their success with innovation. They know they cannot achieve their innovation targets using internal resources alone. So they look outside for other organisations to partner with. A good example is Mercedes and Swatch who collaborated to produce the Smart car. When Mercedes wanted to produce an innovative town car they did not choose another automobile manufacturer – they partnered with a fashion watch maker. Each brought dissimilar skills and experiences to the team. Read the rest of this entry ?